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Probationer Self Evaluation

The purpose of writing the self-evaluation is to give the Tenure Review Committee insight into growth as an instructor and faculty member. This is the only document we will read that is written by probationers and that represents their experiences during the tenure process and their thoughts and reflections on them. Self-evaluations are to be written for the 1, 3, 4, 6, and 7th quarters of the probationary period.

The self-evaluation should describe the activities and accomplishments in the areas of teaching, service, and professional development. But it should not present these as a laundry list; it should show what the probationers are learning and the process they are going through to improve. It can also be used to inform the TRC of evidence of meeting a criterion that isn't included elsewhere. Because the self-evaluation should not be too long, focus on a few key examples.

We know that teaching is challenging, and we do not expect everything to go perfectly or all student evaluations to be glowing. We also know that faculty cannot take credit for every aspect of student success or failure. But faculty have a responsibility to measure their effectiveness, adapt their curricula, adjust their teaching methods, and otherwise work toward becoming the best instructors they can be. The self-evaluation is a place where the probationers can show their commitment to teaching and learning by reflecting on how they have taken these steps.

Some ways they might approach the evaluation: describe an activity tried for the first time, explain responses to comments in a students evaluation, describe changes made to teaching and curricula, discuss what was learned from observing another faculty member, explain how a professional development opportunity impacted teaching, or describe a method that has improved student learning.


Last site update: January 08, 2010